Sensitive Teeth

Sensitive teeth

With the colder days still looming in the Southern Highlands a common problem is sensitive teeth – especially to cold.

What can cause tooth sensitivity to cold?

This is where the dentine of a tooth (see image below) is exposed. This can be due to a number of different things ranging from incorrect tooth brushing, using an abrasive tooth paste, grinding or clenching your teeth, acid reflux from stomach and or food and drinks.

Tooth diagram

Did you know a healthy remedy for your body is to start the morning with a squeeze of fresh lemon juice into hot water? Whilst this is healthy for your body it can be detrimental to your teeth due to dissolving tooth enamel.

What can I do once I have tooth sensitivity to cold?

Once the damage has been done unfortunately a lot of the time without placing restorations etc there isn’t a lot you can do. However, applying desensitising toothpaste and using other medicaments such as tooth mousse can help to reduce the sensitivity.

Another remedy is to limit your diet for a couple of weeks by eating and drinking bland foods. E.g. limiting carbonated drinks, lemon juice, vinegar, citrus fruits and other acidic substances.

If you have any questions about sensitive teeth or would like to make any appointment, please contact the team at  Moss Vale Dental on (02) 4869 3111 or request an appointment online

57-59 Elizabeth Street

Moss Vale NSW 2577

(02) 4869 3111

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