Meet the Moss Vale Dental Team – Maddison

We want all our patients to feel comfortable and welcomed when they visit and we thought it was high time we introduced you to our valued team.

Meet Maddison

What is your role at the office? What will we find you doing at the office? 

My role within the office is a dental assistant, you’ll most likely find me in one of our treatment rooms assisting or working behind the scenes in our sterilising room.

How long have you been in the dental industry? 

I am only new to the dental industry; I have just completed my second month and am loving it!

How/why did you start working in the industry? 

After having braces for 4 years and countless dental appointments, I definitely gained an appreciation and interest for the dental industry. Once I graduated high school, I started looking into Dental Assistant positions and luckily, I came across Patrick’s advertisement.

What is your favourite part of your job?

So far, my favourite part of my job is suctioning! I enjoy getting to meet all of our patients as well as deepen my knowledge on all the different procedures.

What is your secret superpower?

How quickly I can finish a TV series haha!

What do you get up to when you’re not at work? 

When I’m not at work I’m most likely out catching up with my friends or watching way too much Netflix!

Welcome to the team Maddison!


57-59 Elizabeth Street

Moss Vale NSW 2577

(02) 4869 3111

Call us today!

Opening Hours

Mon - Fri: 8:30 - 17:30

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