The Do’s & Don’ts of Wearing Masks

Correct mask

What is the correct way to wear a mask?

Dr Patrick Meaney and the entire team at Moss Vale Dental are always focused on delivering the highest level of dental care to our patients and doing so with the highest hygiene and safety protocols in place.  In these unusual times, wearing masks is not just confined to dentists and other health practitioners.

Looking out into ‘non-dental land’ you will see a lot of people wearing masks at the moment, so as we wear masks everyday in our practice we thought we would use our model Melanie to demonstrate the Do’s and Don’ts of how to wear a mask.

The Don’ts

  • Don’t touch your mask when wearing it
  • Don’t let your mask hang around your neck
  • Don’t have you nose sitting outside of your mask
  • Don’t reuse single-use disposable masks
  • Don’t wear loose-fitting masks

Do not wear a mask like this:

Don not wear a mask this way Wrong way to wear a mask

The Do’s

  • Do wash your hands thoroughly before putting on your mask
  • Do check with the instructions as to which side of your mask is the outer side and wear accordingly
  • Do pull the bottom of the mask over your mouth and chin
  • Do make sure that the mask fits snuggly and you achieve a good seal at the bridge of your nose (if you wear glasses this will stop them fogging up) and also the sides of your face
  • Do adjust the ear loops to help with sizing
  • Do replace your mask if it gets soiled or damp

Wear a mask like this:

Correct mask

Great Job Melanie! Stay safe, be well and wear your mask like Melanie has shown you.

If you have any questions about making appointments or the hygiene protocols to be followed during dental appointments, contact our team at Moss Vale Dental on (02) 4869 3111 to make an appointment.

57-59 Elizabeth Street

Moss Vale NSW 2577

(02) 4869 3111

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Mon - Fri: 8:30 - 17:30

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